
Lots of Parts

When you buy twelve rovers you find one thing for sure...  They come with parts.  Now my very first one in New York City in 1963 was new, so each part cost a fortune and it didn’t come with any spares.  LittleCar, the first one in this recent saga, also came without accouterments, but then each and every one we purchased after that came with boxes and boxes of parts.  At first we did not always know what they were, an overdrive, two overdrives, pieces of transmissions, Kodiak heaters, hubs of all sorts, lights, roofs, miscellaneous mounting brackets, canvas tops with all kinds of struts…


But then we began to play that fun identification game.  Roo got really good and began to be able to recognize one part from another, looking just out of the corner of his eye in the dark.  It was like one of those fuzzy logic lectures on how a brain can recognize a hand coming around a tree from just one little finger nail.  Anyway we now have a whole barn area of just parts, some are ridiculous like 5 Rochester carburetors (all needing rebuilding) or half a dozen questionable axle half shafts. Some are fun like those cute parking light extenders that were made to mount the lights on top of the fenders if you had jerry cans.  Others are just useful like new brake rebuild kits or new universals.

The question with all parts is do you really want to put tired used parts in a Rover these days?  I would not put an old Rochester carb in now but would put a spare Kodiak in.   When we move the parts it takes work—trannys and engines are heavy.  One day Scotty asked us  “do you have a spare Kodiak laddie?  I'll trade you a 109 roof and a Late IIA heater.”  (Well Scotty, you still owe us one.)  Some days I amaze myself.  Roo will be covered with grease, stuck under a Rover, and he will send me down to the barn to find some wild rare part and in one second I'll have it.  Well that’s why you have parts.  They sometimes save the day.

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