Maui LandRover:

During their Honeymoon in Maui (October 1999), Makoto and Katie snapped this picture of a nice Hawaiian Series II. Now that's dedication, pulling a U-turn on your honeymoon to get a LandRover picture for your crazy friend!  Why can't more of my friends be like that ?  (Makoto and Katie are Enzo the Pilot's parents)



Then during December of 1999 my wonderful little grandparents took our intire family to Maui for their 60th Wedding Anniversity.  Thank you Flo and Igg, Da and I love you bunches!   (Igg is actually in some ways responcible for Da and I's entire Landrover problem -- He bought Da both his first LandRovers (See History).)  On the dirt road to Hana, we found Makoto and Katie's nice, non-running, Rover.

A Nice American Series IIA 88" Station Wagon

Very Orignal But with More than a Little Rust
(Actually Little Frame Left)

A Meaty Bumper and Winch.

High Filler for an Internal Gas Tank
Mounted Behind the Seat


Rovers Abroad

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